About HiredInTech

How it works?
HiredInTech is an online portal that contains free lessons in algorithms, system design and soft skills for the tech interviews. It also contains example algorithmic practice tasks specifically created to help you with your preparation for the real tech interviews.
HiredInTech is like an online course in which important topics related to the tech interviews are covered. The practice tasks resemble closely the ones given at tech interviews in some of the top technology companies. For each task we also offer a solution with explanations and some example source code. We believe that it is best to first try to solve a problem yourself, but it is also quite useful to learn from other people's ideas and source code.
Who we are?
HiredInTech was started in 2013 by four passionate software engineers who have spent a lot of time developing software. We've also been on both sides of the interview table and know a lot about this process. Over the last years HiredInTech has been maintained by one of its original creators - Anton - who in his free time still works on platform features and new content.
Anton authored much of the core curriculum at HiredInTech from the very start, and maintained and developed HiredInTech over the years to this day.Past team members
Slavi designed the initial course structure and spent a lot of time thinking about what we should teach.
Kremena helped create the very first platform that we built.
Daniel was responsible for any and all creative decisions while building the first version.
Why we built it?
We started HiredInTech with a simple belief: tech interviews are often hard due to their very specific format. Our goal has always been to help candidates prepare, so they can showcase their real talent during these interviews. This helps both the candidates and the companies hiring them. This is confirmed by the fact that over the years some of the big tech companies have recommended HiredInTech as a learning resource to their prospective candidates.
Since we put online the free preparation courses for tech interviews, many thousands of people have used them to prepare for their upcoming interviews with the big technology companies.
The HiredInTech courses cover algorithms and system design but they also prepare you for the specifics of the tech interviews.
The HiredInTech Team